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Old 07-15-2008, 08:42 PM
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Debau Debau is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 177

The reality is that we cannot translate the complete Word of God into every single language that exists today. What we can do is train those who can go into those places and enable the development of English awareness. This will do more to open the doors of the Gospel than any other method.

I do not discredit the efforts of those who are doing their best to get the Gospel out by whatever means possible. I am simply saying that in the big picture, the most effective long-term efforts in the growth of the believing church worldwide are likely to be involving English-language education

We can't do it if we aren't in earnest prayer asking to do it. You have already given up. God can do it! Whose "big picture" are you viewing from? Are you supporting foreign language translators?

Here are some videos addressing foreign languages realistically. English is not the answer here.

Last edited by Debau; 07-15-2008 at 08:51 PM.