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Old 05-26-2009, 10:10 AM
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Brother Tim Brother Tim is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Gainesville, FL
Posts: 864

Ed has responded to my copy of your post. He does not see the need for you to have apologized. He was not offended with your post. He did not feel the need to forgive since there was no offense in his eyes.

I would add my thoughts:
If the Holy Spirit prompts you to apologize, then do so, without regard to how the offendee sees it. The LORD was offended and prompted you. You responded well as we all should, with open humility and sorrow. I accept your apology and forgive you in the name of the LORD, as you have asked. I am certain that none of us hold this against you, for many of us have fallen into the same trap. I, for one, have crossed the line more than once. I know what it is to hear that still, small voice reminding me whose I am and whom I represent.

Righteous sorrow for an offense, even one unintended, separates us from the world, and is a clear indicator of our relationship to God.