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Old 11-03-2008, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by aussiemama View Post

Many young people in our society have had several marriages although they have never had a wedding ceremony. They have also had several divorces although they never had a ceremony, for divorce is when flesh leaves flesh. They consummated, had flesh join flesh, and then tore it apart in divorce by going on to another person.

In the Old Testament, God had a divorce. He "put away" Israel.

I believe this needs to be understood before discussing the topic of divorce etc.
From the Websters 1828 dictionary:
FORNICA'TION, n. L. fornicatio.

1. The incontinence or lewdness of unmarried persons, male or female; also, the criminal conversation of a married man with an unmarried woman.

Just my opinion, but we're kind of getting off topic. According to your definition, the term fornication, used in the KJV 32 times, would be unnecessary, because, according to your definition, they are officially married, so they couldn't commit fornication....and how could anyone commit adultery according to your definition because now they are officially married again [and divorced]??