Originally Posted by Jassy
Thanks sister Jen (greenbear):
I appreciate the correction. I didn't mean to use the wrong terminology - just wasn't sure what the correct terminology was. I'm glad to be corrected and I will think of it biblically now.
God has no barriers in regards to appearances. I've always loved 1 Samuel 16:7 because it shows how the LORD looks at people:
"But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." I know that the LORD doesn't look down on people with disabilities either. One interesting sidebar... the government has now added "sexual orientation" to their list of things that people can't be discriminated against for. However, the Bible is clear that that abomination doesn't belong with those others.
The most bitter racists in all history were the OT Jews. Arise Peter, kill and eat. Hey Lord, I will touch NO unclean thing. The Jews, to themselves, were clean, the whole world to them was
unclean. A Gentile woman came to Christ, Lord of all, and begged for her daughter to be released from the torment of the demon. Jesus said it is not meet to give the children's(Jews) bread to
dogs. Those are Jesus Christ's words, not Adolf Hitler's or Farrikan's.
"But now" there is no difference in Jew and Gentile, all are equally damned in unbelief and equally saved in Christ. Hatred of blacks is found in some commentator's wresting of Genesis 9 to their own destruction. In Time Past Jesus Christ gave instruction to the 12 to go ye not unto the ways of the Gentiles. Through Paul Jesus Christ
now says there is no difference. The "three races of man" are not Negro, Caucasian, and Oriental, but:
1Co 10:32 Give none offence, neither to the
Jews, nor to the
Gentiles, nor to the
church of God:
Grace and peace friends