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Old 02-06-2008, 05:26 AM
Posts: n/a

I just avoid her as completely as I can. I have seen a video where she has thi new age type person on her show promoting her new age theory. Two women stood up and said "How about Jesus?" Oprah replied, "What you mean? What abou Jesus?" The audience member cited John 14:6 and Oprah replied that it couldn't be because there has to be many ways to god (using lower case g here on purpose) and eventually, very quick eventually at that, Oprah claimed she can't debate religion. Irony was that she went right back to promoting the guest religion after that. If I find the video, I'd try and post it.

But her promotion of The Secret really threw me off, the whole think it (like say you want a bike) then it becomes a reality (like you get that bike somehow, someone gives it to you or whatever other legal means) I realized at the time the whole concept is just so demonic that I just avoid her altogether.