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Old 11-08-2008, 11:34 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Originally Posted by atlas View Post

I will have to agree with you on Witness. It was a wonderful book that everyone should read.

I have always wondered why Whittaker Chambers gave Atlas Shrugged such a bad book review.

Von Mises and Rand seemed to respect each other. Yet Chambers seemed to really hated Rand for some reason.

I am somewhat amazed that other than you and I nobody seems to read Von Mises, Rothbard, Hazlitt and others.

Did you find Ayn Rand's books healthy? What I mean by that is that in my experience, books about philosophy and culture tend to leave a lasting effect on any discerning mind. Do you find it hard to distinguish between her philosphy and that found in God's Word? I used to read philosophy, and would be aprehensive in doing so now. I did love the stuff when I wasn't saved, but am not sure how I'd feel about it now. Here is an example. Fahrenheit 451 is a book that deals with issues of culture and philosophy. I'm sure you all have read it so I won't deal with what it was about. My point I'm making is that I still feel like this book left an impact on the way I view the world. It forever left a looming shadow over my outlook on the future of mankind. I knew when I read that book, that the peachy little world I lived in before was not real, and that I forever was going to view the culture I lived in as a struggle between those that want to censor the truth, and those that want to liberate it. So you see, this secular books most certainly can leave a mark on us. Did you notice this with Ayn Rand?

Peace and Love,