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Old 05-11-2008, 08:07 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Wenatchee WA
Posts: 885

This is why us Anabaptists refrain from any participation in the political process (we always say that we do our voting on our knees) and do not allow those serving in the military to become or remain members of our churches. We believe we are sojourners/pilgrims in this world. We serve the 'king' by paying our taxes, but we will never consent to be involved in the taking of human life. There is to much at stake, and we've learned (just read the account of the 16th century Anabaptists) that when we invovle ourselves with mans government (by not participating in state churches, and the other parts of the political process) that our blood is at stake. Although we are not afraid to take upon ourselves this baptism of blood, for the blood of the martyr's is seed, we are afraid that our witness will be ruined by our getting involved in a poltical process that is not governed by our King, nor one that is of our Kingdom.

Much Love in Christ,