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Old 09-24-2008, 04:16 PM
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Brother Tim Brother Tim is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Gainesville, FL
Posts: 864

Question from Forrest:
Did God create the earth without form and void, and then fill it? Or did He create the earth with shape and full, and then Satan made it become without form and void?
Brother, the biggest struggle that I have with this idea is that there is just not enough straightforward Scripture to override the simple, direct reading of Genesis 1. There is just nothing in the Bible to indicate that satan could destroy God's creation. By the way, just what was the point of creating earth, letting something happen to it, and then starting over again, all the time keeping this all a hidden mystery? And what was earth's original purpose in its first creation, anyhow? (if what others claim is true, I don't accept any gap in Genesis 1.) Way too many extrabiblical explanations are required.