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Old 03-04-2008, 04:11 PM
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Debau Debau is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 177

Well, what of snake handlers and ingesting poison? There is no 'tongue hating' here. Just a disdain for error. There were pointed out examples of men in the church throughout history of which none spoke in tongues, but Mikie didn't care, not relevant. The closest thing to tongues is visions and such by the patristics which is just occultic mysticism being revived in the Emergent Church movement. I guess just as scripture was lost for 1800 years until it was found in a monastery, so was speaking in tongues until the Azusa revival in 1901.
I wonder what other doctrine of error acccompanies this one. Maybe Replacement Theology? Amillenialism, Preterism, etc...