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Old 11-13-2008, 05:08 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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I don't see how the context of those verses has changed.

Concerning the Latin. Translators will use various 'versions' to corroberate a Greek text. Dr. Thomas Holland writes in "Crowned With Glory"

The second source for making a Greek text is the testimony of ancient versions. These versions, usually tranlated from Greek, are used as a source for establishing a Greek text. Like the Greek manuscripts, there are a variety of ancient versions that do not agree. Among these are the Latin versions (including both the Old Latin and Jerome's Latin Vulgate), Syrian (including the Old Syriac and the Peshitta), Coptic (Egyptian), Gothic (early German), Armenian, Ethiopic, and others. These are useful in demonstrating what the non-Greek reading world used.
So it was one of the tasks of the translators to establish their Greek by tracing it through all the translations that were based on their Greek text. The texts that went through Alexandria and then made their way through Rome, were corrupt. Thankfully, those texts were the minority. The majority of text types reflect the readings of the TR, with variations being few and far between.

Peace and Love,