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Old 11-09-2008, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish
I fully intend to keep the heat on Obama and expose his liberal policies, which I believe are a threat to the Republic and our future. I never gave Clinton any slack either. Stephanos, my brother---unless you just want to argue, if you don't like reading political threads, I suggest you avoid them. It's easy, just don't click.

No my friend, that is not what I said please don't misquote or misrepresent your brothers in Christ. You said, "This video makes me uncomfortable." Then you said, "when you post this stuff... it makes some folks uncomfortable." I didn't say anything about you agreeing with me or not. You and I will agree on many other issues. And by the way, WE don't need any mans permission or approval to believe or say the things WE feel deep conviction about either. All I am saying is, since you are uncomfortable with all this, why punish yourself?
It's not the politics that makes me uncomfortable. It's the fact that this video could be viewed as mocking Christianity. That makes me uncomfortable. I know people think Obama is some sort of messiah, but what does the Bible say about these things?

Mark 13:21-23 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

So, we should not be so surpised that people are now beginning to say this or that person is Christ. Granted, the real false Christs will arise during the tribulation, but I believe we are VERY close to the dispensation change, and as such we should not be so focussed on all the rediculous claims folks are making. We should be more trusting in God, and completely focussed on seeing as many souls recieving Christ Jesus as we can.

So I guess my point is is that I do agree that it is our duty to expose the rediculous policies Obama wants to put into action, but the way we go about doing this defines us as faithful Christians or not. Do we believe God is in control of things, or not? How do we show this, and how do we show that we don't? Let us show the world that we trust God by honouring the president elect, while we respectfully disagree with him.

This sermon should solidify the points I'm trying to make:

I would really encourage everyone to listen to it.

Peace and Love,