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Old 03-20-2009, 06:57 PM
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bibleprotector bibleprotector is offline
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There is lots of information on this issue at my website.

1.I just want to to know why the KJB of the Cambridge and Oxford are different sometimes?
Because both University Presses have different standards for spelling; different editors made different alterations; there are slight differences between Bibles printed by the same publisher.

2. What is standard for the KJB edition that we should get?
You mean, "which edition is the right one?" People recognise that the Cambridge ones are the best, there is one Cambridge one which is, I believe, exactly correct in its presentation. It is called "The Pure Cambridge Edition".

3. Why there are differences in the edition?
You should see that there is one King James Bible that has been printed many times in the last 400 years. In that time, there has been a lot of different editions, but the same Bible.