Thread: Paul's Signs
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Old 08-04-2008, 11:55 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 645

It seems to me that everyone in the Charismatic movement is seeking to become a "Super Duper amped up Believer" looking for the latest "Buzz" and claiming it in the name of Jesus. I, when I wasn't right with the LORD, got high on E. The emotional experience this brought is frighteningly similar to those that are Supposedly annointed in the Holy Spirit. Trance / Rock events coupled with drugs along with the Driven Beats create an altered state Chemically, mentally and Physically, people felt so much love and overpowering emotion that many claim to have had a religious experience when in reality this Feeling was FALSE a "familiar Spirit". The shortfall of these emotions is that the only way to Go from the High is to crash down to the bottom with no happy medium and the result is an emotional broken mess. Having witnessed Charismatic events and worldly events Like Trance Concerts and partaken in the latter, the Spirit is the same, It is Kundalini and it most certainly is not Of God.
Worship should center around Christ and his written Word and not a constant thirst for an emotional experience. Leave those things to the Outside world. I know I have.

Posted in the Name of Our LORD Jesus Christ.