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Old 06-24-2009, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by HowlerMonkey View Post
I think it was C. S. Lewis who observed that the less the Bible is read, the more it is translated.

I think $$$$ is the prime reason for this trend and the Bible buying public is, as a general rule, quite fickle. They are happy to trade yesterday's "cool" translation for whatever has the biggest marketing budget today. These days a long life for a new translation is 25-35 years, they come and go like spring flowers.

There are all of these silly edition that they come out with, like the "American Patriot's Study Bible" that teaches it's readers how to be good American's and apparently mentions some guy named Mr. Christ who had a big impact on more important people like John Adams. I have seen Bibles for nurses, police, and even radical leftists who are offended by terms like "he" and "she." I've seen them with metal covers, camo covers you name it. There is even a "green" Bible that I guess is made from recycled copies of Penthouse and old newspapers (what a blessing!).

I think the Bible publishers are missing out on some areas that might enable them to milk a few more dollars out of naive Christians so here are some suggestions:

-The Simpson's Study Bible
-The Detroit Lion Fan's Bible (with the Book of Lamentations first)
-The Smoker's Bible (with pocket for cigarette pack and lighter)
-The EnviroBible (that biodegrades after you read it)
I would agree that it has a LOT to do with $$$$$. Ca-ching, ca-ching go the cash registers in the so-called "Christian bookstores" which carry nary a KJV Bible, unless it's hidden in some obscure place in the back - but are filled to the brim with all kinds of modern translation trash. The minute you tell them you're looking for a Bible, they'll try to give you the slick sales approach to their latest version - which includes some very nice profits for them. Since the KJV has NO copyright - it's just not as lucrative and they know that KJV buyers are not going to be rushing into their store, the next time they have a newer, "better" version of the modern Bible.

SAD, very sad.
