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Old 10-19-2008, 06:40 PM
drbible1611 drbible1611 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 27

Originally Posted by Luke View Post
I was recently sent an email by a friend warning me of the dangers of Peter Ruckman. This one was new though. It wasn't about aliens or anything.

He said that my old pastor had discovered that Peter Ruckman denied that abortion was a sin, and that he actually advocated abortion. He gave no reference or anything, so I was very skeptical (I know Ruckman teaches that a baby becomes a living soul when it takes his first breathe, I disagree, but I don't think that promotes abortion...).

I found only one place online that even claims this (no references again) and it's that stupid site, which is just page after page of accusations with no evidence of witnesses.

Is anyone familiar with this accusation?

A certain pastor in Sydney is trying to sow discord among the brethren by making these accusations.

The church I attend is being called a 'cult' because we use Dr Ruckman's material. The claim has also been made that our church believes in abortion.

I have it on good authority from a PBI graduate that neither Dr Ruckman nor Bro. Donovan believe or have EVER taught that abortion is right.

Furthermore our church is against abortion.

Luke, I think I know who sent you the email. He has been corrected but prefers to remain in ignorance-please ignore him on this matter-it is simply a pack of lies.