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Old 02-08-2009, 04:45 PM
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MC1171611 MC1171611 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Western Ohio
Posts: 436

Brother, unfortunately that's the way unregenerate women can be sometimes. I'm afraid that the only way to deal with the situation right now is to show the love and generosity that is in Christ. It might be a few months, or it could be years, but if you'll commit (to yourself and Christ; you don't need to promise anything to anyone else) to simply responding in love no matter what, there's no way that she'll be able to accuse you of not loving her.

The Bible says that the woman is the weaker vessel. That doesn't mean she's "weak," that means she's "WEAKER" than the man (I'm married so I feel ok talking about this now ). As men, we have to be protective of our wives, the same way we would protect and care for a priceless antique vase. When a woman feels loved, nurtured and cared for, she will be like a crown of honor to us, like the Bible says. Our part is to make our wives feel like the most beautiful, loved woman in the world. Once that happens, if she's saved, she'll gladly follow her husband (if she's right with God), and if she's lost, she'll see how much her husband loves her and has changed, and she'll very likely be more interested in Salvation than at any other time in her life.

I don't envy you your position, brother; having an unsaved wife is probably one of the worst positions a Christian could be in. All I can say is to stay close to God; He'll help you in ways that no one else can. Stay close to Him and stay in that Book, and you'll see God move in your life and in your wife's life.