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Old 05-25-2009, 09:19 AM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by bondservant40 View Post

Oh, no worries Tony! I'm familiar with the Bible version issue - and have a small selection of good books on it - not near as many as you though! Always looking for other information I don't have , or books that would be good for me to give to others. I cherish the Word of God and spend time daily in it. Praise God that we live in a time where not only can the whole Bible be in each home, but each person can have their own.

I think I will have to check out Ruckman's book. I have not read any of his books because of the controversy I heard surrounding him. Many people here are recommending him, so I seem to be long overdue in reading His work.

Thank you for your knowledge, recomendations and sweet spirit.
in Christ
your sis Beth
Dr. Ruckman has a very cut and dried personality. He's a southerner like me, and he and I understand each other as far as "southern" things go. Brother Ruckman has some weird ideas on race. I have a "weird" idea on it too. There are three races of man on earth, they are not Negro, Oriental, and Caucasian, they are Jew, Gentile, and church of God. I had one man follow me up the street from the protest against the Last Temptation Of Christ movie where I ridiculed them. His name was Mark. He was blacker than a piece of coal, he was United Methodist. He came up the street with me on the street ministry. He wept when we went into the bar and picked up the tracts he handed out that were thrown on the floor. Mark was built like a bodybuilder, he had bigger biceps that me, I am, among other things, a former construction worker. Mark stood next to me when I took the knife out of the biker's hand who was gonna stab one of our workers and I did it like you take a straw out of a soft drink. Calmly and deliberately. I thanked God for Mark that night. Some of Doc Ruckman's followers think they need to parrot him and would not have appreciated Mark hugging me as a brother that night when we were done or me hugging him back. I never saw Mark again after that night. One of the others had his phone number and the group has scattered.

My point is Dr. Ruckman can be tiring at times, ignore his personal opinions and stick with his scholarship and his fervor for Christ and for the word of God. The sheer volume of his writings, his commentaries, his recordings and personal appearances, are mind-numbing. Not bad for an 89 year old man who was not saved till he was 27.

I appreciate and thank you for being here Beth, for you questions, your comments, your edification of others. Spread His words, they will not return unto Him void.

Grace and peace sister
