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Old 04-20-2009, 01:45 AM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Really, too bad---I find his commentary on Genesis to be very interesting and thought provoking to say the least, but I'm wondering did you read the section I asked about before you threw it in the garbage... no matter, if you (or anyone else) wants to see more about the creatures in Genesis 6, please refer to post no. 5 and 6 in the Giants thread, those articles are not perfect but the subject is pretty well presented and I think provide a good alternative to the sons of Seth position. (providing your mind is open to it, of course).
Brother Parrish, I wish I had all of Dr. Ruckman's Commentaries, as I said, he's much more into comparing Scripture with Scripture but you have to pay attention to where the Scripture says what it says versus where the man peeks through. Dr. Ruckman does not share my Biblical convictions on matters of ethnicity, shall we say. My great, great granddaddy trafficked in human beings in the 1840s and 50s and his brother rode with John Mosby, the Gray Ghost. All that has remained of both men's influence on me is a very keen interest in guerrilla warfare.

Brother, my mind is Closed For Repairs. Where I feel it incumbent to reply to subsidiary precepts not pertaining to our crucified and risen Saviour I give my opinion with Scripture references and move on. I am genuinely baffled by the angel troubling the waters in John 5 and what Paul meant in I Corinthians 15:29 regarding "...baptism for the dead". We are taught by similitudes, I am having a problem finding one for John 5 and it's significance. They are mysteries to my pea brain, but something I don't dwell on for any undue length of time.

Thank you for the links, and I will look at them and study them.

Grace and peace to you my friend
