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Old 09-30-2008, 06:45 AM
Scott Simons
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Jeremy View Post
I heard Ron Paul speak today,he was talking about the collapse of the american dollar,nothing new.
The collapse of the global economy could sure bring about the One world government, straight outta Europe, the old roman empire.
Ron Paul has been telling anyone who would hear this for years, among other things. The church has fallen asleep and our judgment is coming first. She got on board with Hitler in Germany and who know who we will get on board with if enough presser is put on us. Now, the remnant has see this come for awhile and has been putting oil in their vessel, the suddenlys are coming fast.
We have cry out loud and have been called every name you can think of, saying it is nonsense and we are kooky, Ron Paul doesn’t seem so kooky now does he.
Woe unto them that are at ease in Zion, judgment begins in the house of God.
I think I will go have a little Huckabee pie or maybe not.