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Old 10-12-2008, 11:54 PM
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atlas atlas is offline
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Location: Dallas Texas
Posts: 463


As far as any " Ruckman Brigade " goes, let me make a few statements about this issue.

Three men have taught me more about the Bible than anyone.

1. Rev. Clyde Lane

My very first pastor. He taught me to believe the Bible was God's word and I needed to be saved. This man was not right about everything, but he was a wonderful starting place for me. He and my Daddy are the sole reasons why I got saved. He prayed for me everyday and that is why the Holy Ghost would not let me go. I got saved after he died, I'll tank him one day face to face for praying for my soul. His and Daddy's prayers kept me out of hell. Bro. Lane believed the Bible till the day he died and never meet or even knew who was Ruckman as far as I know.

2. Dr. Carl T. Lackey

He helped finish the job that Bro. Lane started on, he helped get me saved. After my salvation, he helped me learn the correct Bible doctrines. He also taught me how to be a soul winner and run bus rout and teach a Sunday school class. His last words to me friend of mine while he laid dieing in his bed were, " keep the fire burning boys, keep the wood stove full of wood and help build the church for the Lord. " He also believed the Bible, no Ruckman needed. He taught all of us to believe the Bible. He also believed the Bible before he ever met Ruckman. Dr. Ruckman did preach at our Jubilee ever year. He preached there because he did believe the Bible not because he converted Preacher Lackey into believing the Bible.

3. Dr. Peter S. Ruckman

He has only helped me with my understand my doctrine better. He has taught me many wonderful things in the Bible that I did not know. he has just built on the foundation that others have built.

I'm sure many other have a story just like my story. I do not think anyone of us is part of any so called " Ruckman Brigade. " Nor have I ever met any man that is part of the so called " Ruckman Brigade. " Ruckman is just a man, a saved man that knows the Bible. Nothing more nothing less. I'm a Christian. I do not fallow Ruckman or any man. I love bro. Ruckman, but he is just a man. I believed the Bible before I ever knew who Ruckman was.

My first pastor used to tell us, " do not worry about the Greek and Hebrew. " the he would say, " worry about the Bible we have in our lap. " He never went to Duke ( that is where he was told him to go to seminary before they kicked him out of the Methodist Church back in the 1950's ) The Methodist told him to go to Duke, when he prayed God told him not to go to Duke. As he always said, " the Methodist didn't call him to preach, so they would not tell him where to go or where not to go. He was smart enough to know God did not want him there and smart enough to tell us to worry the Bible we had and.


Last edited by atlas; 10-13-2008 at 12:01 AM.