Thread: New Wine?
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Old 10-09-2008, 02:49 PM
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George George is offline
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Location: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
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Aloha brother Chette,

In regards to BC's comments:

"Not sure where the Bible says that strong drink is for those about to die, my KJV says 'Give strong drink to him that is about to perish...'

You may want to look up that word perish in a lexicon or concordance. It does not mean 'die' at all. It is the word 'abad,' and it means 'to wander away.' This is speaking of someone who has rejected God altogether, not someone who is on their deathbed.

Also, 'wine to those that be of heavy hearts.' Again, I encourage you to research the word 'heavy.' It is the Hebrew word 'mar,' and simply means bitter or discontented.

Are God's people to be bitter? Not according to my KJV. Paul, in all his trials, wrote:
2 Corinthians 4:8 [We are] troubled on every side, yet not distressed; [we are] perplexed, but not in despair;
2 Corinthians 4:9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
2 Corinthians 4:10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

"If we submit ourselves to God in times of trial, we will see the way of escape is not found in a bottle, but rather in Jesus Christ.

Scripture declares we are kings and priests unto the Lord, and since the Word of God states it is not for kings to drink wine (Proverbs 31:4), it is not for us to drink wine. A clear call to abstinence from the Word of God."
You may want to research the "validity" of what BC is claiming:
"Not sure where the Bible says that strong drink is for those about to die, my KJV says 'Give strong drink to him that is about to perish...' {G.A.: First off - Do you notice the "smart Alec" attitude? Of course he knows where the verse is and what you are referring to!}
You may want to look up that word perish in a lexicon or concordance. It does not mean 'die' at all. It is the word 'abad,' and it means 'to wander away.' This is speaking of someone who has rejected God altogether, not someone who is on their deathbed."
The first thing that BC confesses is he's
"NOT SURE" {Doubt!} where the Bible says that strong drink is for those about to die,"
And since he's really "not sure" WHAT it says, he is going to run to other men (scholars & scribes) to find out what the words really "MEAN"! You may safely ignore BC's advise to go to a lexicon or concordance (for a "nugget" from "original languages") since our inspired, perfect, infallible, and Holy Bible is written in English {for ordinary English speaking people), and an English Dictionary {Websters 1828} says:

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

PER'ISH, v.i.L. pereo, supposed to be compounded of per and eo, to go; literally, to depart wholly.

1. To die; to lose life in any manner; applied to animals. Men perish by disease or decay, by the sword, by drowning, by hunger or famine, &c.
2. To die; to wither and decay; applied to plants.
3. To waste away; as, a leg or an arm has perished.
4. To be in a state of decay or passing away.
Duration, and time which is part of it, is the idea we have of perishing distance.
5. To be destroyed; to come to nothing.
Perish the lore that deadens young desire.
6. To fail entirely or to be extirpated. 2 Kings.9.
7. To be burst or ruined; as, the bottles shall perish.
Luke 5.
8. To be wasted or rendered useless. Jer.9.
9. To be injured or tormented. 1 Cor.8.
10. To be lost eternally; to be sentenced to endless misery. 2 Pet.2.

PER'ISH, v.t. To destroy. Not legitimate.
You were RIGHT and BC and all of the scholars and scribes that he "subscribes" to are Wrong! Dead wrong!

Here is BC again:
"Also, 'wine to those that be of heavy hearts.' Again, I encourage you to research the word 'heavy.' It is the Hebrew word 'mar,' and simply means bitter or discontented."
Here we have another Hebrew "nugget" for us poor, dumb, uneducated folks. But, what does an English Dictionary say? It sure doesn't say that the word heavy - "simply means bitter or discontented." - Does it?

[quote]Webster's 1828 Dictionary

HEAV'Y, a. hev'y.
1. Weighty; ponderous; having great weight; tending strongly to the center of attraction; contrary to light; applied to material bodies; as a heavy stone; a heavy load.
2. Sad; sorrowful; dejected; depressed in mind.
A light wife makes a heavy husband.
So is he that singeth songs to a heavy heart. Prov.25.
3. Grievous; afflictive; depressing to the spirits; as heavy news; a heavy calamity.
4. Burdensome; oppressive; as heavy taxes.
Make thy father's heavy yoke--lighter. 1 Kings.12.
5. Wanting life and animation; dull.
My heavy eyes you say confess
A heart to love and grief inclined.
6. Drowsy; dull.
Their eyes were heavy. Matt.26. Luke.9.
7. Wanting spirit or animation; destitute of life or rapidity of sentiment; dull; as a heavy writer; a heavy style.
8. Wanting activity or vivacity; indolent.
But of a heavy, dull, degenerate mind.
9. Slow; sluggish.
He walks with a heavy gait.
10. Burdensome; tedious; as heavy hours.
Time lies heavy on him who has no employment.
11. Loaded; encumbered; burdened.
He found his men heavy, and laden with booty.
12. Lying with weight on the stomach; not easily digested; as, oily food is heavy to the stomach.
13. Moist; deep; soft; miry; as heavy land; a heavy soil. We apply heavy to soft loamy or clayey land, which makes the draught of a plow or wagon difficult and laborious. So we say, a heavy road.
14. Difficult; laborious; as a heavy draught.
15. Weary; supported with pain or difficulty.
And the hands of Moses were heavy. Ex.17. {G.A. Were Moses' hands - "bitter or discontented."? Is BC REALLY SERIOUS?or should any one take him seriously?}
16. Inflicting severe evils,punishments or judgments.
The hand of the Lord was heavy on them of Ashdod.
l Sam.5.
17. Burdensome; occasioning great care.
This thing is too heavy for thee. Ex.18.
18. Dull; not hearing; inattentive.
Neither his ears heavy, that he cannot hear. Is.59.
19. Large, as billows; swelling and rolling with great force; as a heavy sea.
20. Large in amount; as a heavy expense; a heavy debt.
21. Thick; dense; black; as a heavy cloud.
22. Violent; tempestuous; as a heavy wind or gale.
23. Large; abundant; as a heavy fall of snow or rain.
24. Great; violent; forcible; as a heavy fire of cannon or small arms.
25. Not raised by leaven or fermentation; not light; clammy; as heavy bread.
26. Requiring much labor or much expense; as a heavy undertaking.
27. Loud; as heavy thunder.

Heavy metal, in military affairs, signifies large guns, carrying balls of a large size, or it is applied to large balls themselves.
"Are God's people to be bitter? Not according to my KJV. Paul, in all his trials, wrote: "
Does the word HEAVY ever mean: "bitter or discontented."? NOT ACCORDING TO 27 POSSIBLE MEANINGS FOR THE WORD IN PLAIN ENGLISH - from an ENGLISH Dictionary!

Those of us (who are reasonable and understanding) knew full well that you were not advocating drinking any kind of alcohol - and for BC to accuse you of this is disingenuous, devious, duplicitous, guileful, indirect, lubricious, shifty, sneaky, and underhanded.

It always amazes me as to what lengths a "Bible believer" will go to "correct" our Final Authority and substitute men's opinions (scholars & scribes, or their own) for the Holy words of God {Always referring to the "original languages" - Of Course!).

It's like this brother: When the lexicons and concordances (And the scribes & scholars who wrote them) run contrary to the English words of God - DUMP EM! When in DOUBT - throw them OUT! THROW THEM ALL OUT!