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Old 10-08-2008, 09:31 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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it also doesn't say Apollos was saved. I can tell he is not by the gospel he beleived and it wasn't the finished work of Christ on the cross either.

many unsaved preachers are eloqent, ferevent and know the ways of the Lord. this again does not mean they were saved.

if you study out 19:1-7 you will see Apollos tied into these certain disciples by inspiration of the Holy Ghost. this was teh result of Apollos teaching in Ephesus. you will see they didn't even know about the Holy Ghost or even herad of it. they believed in a Gospel that had not saved anyone since before the crucifiction. They learned it in Ephaesus From Apollos. This why he is taught the way more perfectly. not that he was saved and was corrected. He was lost on the wrong gospel and taught others this same gospel he beleived which was enforced by the Baptism of John. john never taught the death burial and resurrection one day in his life.

that is why so many Bible versions change the word since in 19 to when. to have all these guys saved under a different gospel but in error. god forbid that someone could be misled by the wrong teachng. that just doesn't ahppen today we are so much better than them.

I will not debate any more. on this subject.