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Old 10-08-2008, 03:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Here Am I View Post
It's probably just basic stuff, but this is what I thought of:

Man is a triune being, made up of three parts, made in the image of God, who is a triune being.
Yes Sister, that is pretty basic. Let me be a little more inquisitive. We see the triune existence of humankind in the creation. Here's my understanding of that. When the spirit of man united with the body of man, Adam became a living soul. “And the Lord God formed man [his body] of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life [his spirit]; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7).

Here's where I'm seeking some comments.
  1. Is it specifically the "spirit" of man that was "dead" due to sin and is, subsequently, reborn and regenerated?
  2. In the Christian life is the Holy Spirit now residing in our reborn "spirit" and instructing the "soul" of man (the mind activated) with God's divine instruction through His Word?
  3. Is it accurate to teach that the flesh is also a "nature", not just skin, that is opposed to God and His divine influences?
  4. Finally, is the battle between the flesh and the Spirit (Galatians 5) explained accurately like this?

When we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour; He abides in us through our regenerated [new born, reproduced, renewed, and recreated] spirit and instructs our soul (mind, will, emotions) with His divine instruction, purpose, and will of God as found in His Holy Word.

Our body of flesh and its members, on the other hand, provide a conduit for unrighteous influence. The flesh is continually exposed to the things of this world (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life) and resists the holy influences of God.

Does this explain the fight we each experience between the “spiritual” man and the “fleshly” man. We know what we should be doing, but don’t always do it. Oh, wretched man that I am!

There is a battle occurring between God’s Spirit which operates in our renewed spirit, and our flesh which is still mortal and corruptible. We still live in a mortal and temporary body that is repeatedly exposed to sinful corruption and the temptations to do wrong.

Through the function of our soul [mind, will, or emotions] we will either submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit (which abides in our spirit), or we will yield to the lusts of the flesh which continually wars against our soul through our members.

Is this your understanding?