Thread: SWORD Wars
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Old 10-08-2008, 03:03 PM
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Default Josh

As of this message, I am taking a break from this forum as I am obeying my husband.
But I will answer you, but I won't be looking for your reply or anyone else's as I must stop for now.
But to answer your question. Indeed, many of us saw the glory of God particularly on the platform area in the sanctuary, it actually looked like a misty cloud at times elevated just above the platform. It was very faint, but very much amazing. (That church did not have anything special going on, like fancy music technology, just mixer microphones piano and that kind of thing, just basic church that would fit 400 or more easily.)
In front of the altar area it was so thick (not visually), one felt like they were walking through water, and it was like that, one could hardly walk fast around that area.
But it was so much more than that-- the things that we people were experiencing, and it was also the first time the Lord spoke to me in a loud voice (I thought other people heard it!). Sometime later, a number of us, including the pastor, smelled God, it was like true incense that I could feel in my throat. That church does not have incense, by the way.
And yet, I still could go on.
However, sadly, controlling spirits chased out and grieved the Holy Spirit.
And it was so traumatic to our congregation that a lot of us mourned for a long time...for what does one do when God's manifestation that came, leaves? The loss is great.
But then, God revealed to me all over again, that HE will never leave or forsake me.
Around this time, we even had a young man who was found under a pew foaming at the mouth and was completely possessed. But some men took him into another room. As my husband was one and chooses to respond as Jesus would, my husband did not yell and scream, but prayed deliverance/peace over him. My husband always seems to do the right thing, as this man walked out like a man again who was doing much better.
I so very much adore and appreciate my husband.

So long for now.