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Old 10-07-2008, 05:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Forrest View Post
Dear, brother Levite, the truth is always welcomed here. We are simply saying the 25th of December is not the official day to proclaim that Jesus Christ was born. It is a day that many, not all, people simply get together with family, eat, enjoy each others company, pray, read scripture, play games and drink coffee! Many of us do not attempt to turn it into a "traditional religious experience" where we praise and adore Jesus once per year.

Again, I personally do not celebrate "Christmas", but I do enjoy the holidays. You can certainly do what you are directed by Christ to do. I do not condemn or judge you for doing that. I love you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and, yet, I don't even know you, except that you confess Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour!

you have well said & your posts share much insight, you are not far from the Kingdom of God, Forrest. by the grace of our LORD, my burden is to expose many of the evils that are thrown at present society, for in truth, they exist to mock the children of God in thinking that they have dominion over all through wealth, power & liberty at the devil's hand. time & time again it is seen, even in the days of the week to these holidays that have no connections with the testament of the LORD Jesus Christ. thus, i would rather be armed than be ignorant. that is my stance, i know the LORD in heaven is with me & it is by the LORD's guidance that has helped me peel away the lumpy Mr. Roger's fun park to the realness of the matter - young children are being exposed to the fiction that is santa & christmas & without proper knowing, many have placed santa at higher value in their hearts more-so than the LORD in heaven that created us.

also, for the record for everyone that didn't take a moment to read through my posts fully, elves are just a name, only a name ~ truth: the devils (fallen angels) go by many names in folklore & myth, as deities, fairies, call it what you will & many people who don't know the Word of God are readily deceived into seeking them for promises of power ~ in any of my earlier posts, did i once mention the word, goblin? nay, i think not. santa claus & all that holiday stands for is not a good thing & if i am labeled an evil person for exposing the truth of a matter, then i supposed it cannot be helped, but it shall be your judgment upon me & not the LORD's.

@peopleoftheway ~ the devil preys on ignorance, & we are commanded by the LORD & the apostles to be both sober & vigilant, for the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour. the Word of God & the name of the LORD Jesus Christ is our sword against this & any further insight to piece their cruel game together is more of an advantage to we in Jesus Christ. so sorry, but your reaction & attempt to lighten the situation into "silliness" is silly all unto itself. i forgive you, & i think i have said my peace to the best i can do so do with it as you will.
