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Old 09-30-2008, 05:37 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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Location: Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Philippines
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Well two things we know

1) Paul said don't let anyone fool you by saying the second coming is already past. for where would our hope be then.

2) Jesus was talking to Jews not a type of people for men have always been hypocrates and liars since the fall. Their Generation end saw the destruction of the Temple 70AD and the scattering of the Jews. so the end did not come to that Generations.

Generation is a time between a father and son Generally considered to be seventy years (some say 30, and some say 100) But the general belief is 70 years.

Israel returned to the land in 1948, seventy years would be 2018 minus 7 years for the tribulation and 2011 COULD BE the rapture?- THIS IS NOT A THUS SAITH THE LORD- for no man knoweth the hour or the Day(but what of the year) I am neither a prophet or a son of a prophet. but the ways things look it sure does look like a good time placement.

whose to say God has not allowed all things to work together for his purpose.