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Old 09-21-2008, 08:24 PM
Jeremy Jeremy is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 232

Originally Posted by ericwgreene View Post
By the way, I used to hold to what you listed above and my whole church holds to it now. What intially lead me astray was the fruit that I saw produced from it. So called prophecy people use the "end times" to improperly espouse conspiracy theories and cause fear mongering among the believers. I do not find this to be edifying for the body of Christ. Rather, Christians should be told that regardless of what happens they will need to hold fast and strong to faith and prepare for the persecution that is to come...
I agree with the list,in an age where God has not changed and the churches are ,in order to appease the people. The cornerstone of our beliefs are being watered down and dispelled like yesterdays newspaper. I happen to be a Prophecy person and believe that it is a Huge disservice to christians when the pastor decides to exclude what God had included in his word. Its know wonder that christians cannot make a connection to current events when it is not teached,you sound just like my Baptist brother in law and other preachers who refuse to teach this. Why did God put it in his word if we are not to know it. Revelation,if you read it, is positive and not negative, like some would have you to believe, the blessed hope,for those who are looking at todays signs that are pointing to the second coming,knowing how near we are to the Rapture.
I have a feeling you are refering to christians (Believers)going through the tribulation,by your statement..persecution to come. If Prophecy was taught,christians would know that we will be Raptured and not go through Tribulation.