Thread: Graven Images
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Old 09-16-2008, 01:09 AM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Yeah this is an issue that I've battled with myself. My family that professes to be Christian thought I was a fanatic because I refused to have anything to do with Easter (how can they not see an idol when they look at a chocolate bunny? Satan has managed to get idols and food offered to idols into one package!). Now that halloween is upon us, I said the other day (after hearing the quote somewhere else) that for a Christian to celebrate halloween would be like a jew celebrating Hitler's birthday. Of course I am still the fanatic. At least during halloween people come to my door for tracts, instead of me getting them to them. Hehe. I'm stocking up on tracts early this year, mostly for children of course. This is such a great opportunity to witness to people. I also would like to witness to Christians about halloween, but I don't have a clue how to do it. I guess I just have to accept that some will listen while others will put their heads in the sand and pull the fanatic card on me.

Back to idols. They're everywhere. The enemy has just had to get more deceptive than before in getting us to worship them. Hellivision imho is the great church of satan, and is full of idols. I could name others, but I'm sure I would offend some.

1 John 5:21 "Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen."

a fanatic for Jesus,