Thread: Graven Images
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Old 09-15-2008, 03:30 PM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 645

You raise a good point there George regarding Christmas, In my family the only Born agains are My Mother, My Niece and Myself, I have said that I don't want to do the idolatrous Christmas theme with tree's and bells and whistles and the like, but my unsaved members of my family would look upon me as some kind of stick in the mud, and in all ignorance say that I should get "into" the spirit of Christmas, but their words condemn them because the spirit they would get into at Christmas is not one I wish to be "familiar" with.
My Niece is only 8 and I really don't know how to approach Christmas , If she were my Daughter I would explain, especially the Satan Claus myth but I guess I just have to be there in "Body" but not in "spirit". I guess you could say that playing along with the Satan Claus idea is idolatry, for it is asking Kids to be good and ask Satan for what they want in amount of worldly goods, when they should be good and pray to the LORD for what they want spiritually. Its the devil influencing children to be seduced by material, worldly possessions. Same thing goes for Halloween, but that's a whole other story!
Now lets get back on Topic lol, GRAVEN IMAGES.