Thread: Acts 4:27
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Old 09-14-2008, 05:32 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Doxa, I really feel you here. This babylon of a society we live in is so designed to pull us away from our faith in God's preserved Word. I have had so many discussions in my life with those of other faiths, that seemed in the end, to be solely about the fact that I stand on the KJB as the Word of God (the distaste, and even hate, that people have for us KJB believers, to me is evidence enough that it IS God's Word). There is so much confusion in this world, that we as Christians, should pay no mind to. The funny thing though, is that whenever I've encountered those that attack my faith in Jesus Christ, or my stance for God's Word, the only thing that those individuals accomplished in me is an even stronger grip upon God's Word. I now feel that the ONLY thing that remains in this life for me to go to for truth, is the King James Bible! I sleep well at night simply because I, without a doubt, have the Word of God. Though my enemies surround me like wolves (often times in sheeps clothing) I have peace, and hope, solely in this great Book. So, Doxa, do not be dismayed at what you see in so-called Christian book stores. Be a light for the King James Bible.

"We thank you oh Lord our God. Thy Word is Truth. Let us shine forth this truth as we serve your purpose, unto your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen."

for Jesus' sake,