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Old 09-14-2008, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post

Most assuredly if a scripture teaches doctrine it may be used as correction, instruction in righteousness, or to reproof. but there are some scriptures that do not teach a doctrine. But can be used for correction , reproof, and instruction in righteousness.

wouldn't you agree?

The Bible is for Christians and all we have need of for life and godliness can be found in it's pages. but not all the Books of the Bible are written to Christians specifically for doctrine. While yet those same books written to the Jews can be used to support Christian doctrine if they agree with Paul's teaching on the same subject.

some of the scriptures are just for learning (instruction in righteousnes), or correction (not just of doctrine but of life and practice), reproof (for those who would make false statements).

All are inspired of God. but they have different duties doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction.
All I'm trying to say is that every single book of the NT is written to Christians. In the Church we are all one tribe. For someone to say that a book doesn't contain doctrines for Christians simply because the original recievers of the text were Jewish is simply not something I can agree with. Sure the jewish believers were very zealous of the Law, but their salvation is the same as ours, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

George, all Scripture can be used to support or define doctrines (teachings) for the Christian Church. You wrote:

WHAT is he talking about – {“the mysteries of the Kingdom of God” – NOT necessarily church doctrine for Christians.}

Perhaps I should have been more careful in what I wrote. I just felt that you insinuated something I cannot agree with. For me, I know what I believe, perhaps as your wife think, this makes me a babe. What I believe is that everything Jesus Christ said was for our use as those who follow in His footsteps (are not Christians supposed to be CHRIST LIKE?). The mysteries of the Kingdom are indeed for us. I don't know what you tell people, but I tell people that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. I sojourn here in this world to serve God's purposes unto His glory.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary says this.

DOCTRINE, n. L., to teach.

1. In a general sense, whatever is taught. Hence, a principle or position in any science; whatever is laid down as true by an instructor or master. The doctrines of the gospel are the principles or truths taught by Christ and his apostles. The doctrines of Plato are the principles which he taught. Hence a doctrine may be true or false; it may be a mere tenet or opinion.

So, you tell me, are Christ's doctrines not for us, simply because we are not Jews according to the flesh?

Anywho, that's all I've got on this for now. Your response to my response was very caustic I might add. Could you please tone it down a bit? I am not your enemy. I am simply here to share what I believe is truth. If you disagree with something I say, then respond in a loving manner. You have yet to show that you are capable of doing this whenever you respond to what I say.

Last edited by stephanos; 09-14-2008 at 04:36 PM.