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Old 09-04-2008, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Doxa View Post
When I looked through this topic, I wanted to share...
Isn't it amazing (at least for me) that movies that are Christian based, and when some of these actors lovingly hold the KJV in their hands, they trust it.

Isn't it amazing that I see that years and years ago, people trusted their Bible, and how over the years most people have changed to trusting the old manuscripts instead--a real change had taken place in the attitude? My eyes have really been opened. English reading folks have trusted the KJV for centuries.

And as the Bible says, look at the Fruit and test the spirits. I don't mean to twist the Scriptures, but it --- Hummm, it has got me to thinking...has anyone really researched the fruit and spirits of those that really trusted and lived by the King James Bible?

I would venture to guess that it produced a lot of good fruit.

Hummm, I need to check into this.
Aloha Doxa,

Your interest in the "fruit" of the King James Bible is a sure sign that you are sincerely wanting to know "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth".

There are many books and biographies written about the men who were responsible for the greatest missionary period in church history (1700 - 1900 - Preachers: Whitfield, Wesley, Spurgeon, Moody, etc. / Missionaries: Goforth, Judson, Carey, Paton, etc.) Look up their names - there's plenty more.

Brother Peter Ruckman has written about many of these men in his two volume church history and in some of his other books.

Between 1700 - 1900 more souls were won to the Lord Jesus Christ than at any previous time in church history. Hundreds of Missionaries scattered throughout the world (enduring hardship, persecution, and even death) to spread the word of God and win people to Christ. And the interesting thing about this period of time? - They all used only ONE BIBLE, never "questioning" its accuracy or authority, just believing and obeying it. (A sharp contrast to today's Christians with their multiple "per-versions".

The issue is NOT the "message" of God; or just solely "the Gospel" (without any concern for ALL of God's words - A person can find the Gospel in a Chick Tract, but that doesn't make a salvation tract a "Bible"). The issue is simply - What is the Christian's FINAL AUTHORITY?

Do we look for God's Holy words amongst the thousands of manuscripts? Do we look for God's word amongst the nearly 200 English "versions" put out by Publishers since 1881? (Which begs the question - Why so many "bibles" in English only?) Do we (like all good Humanists) just decide, by "personal preference", which bible either "sounds" right; or "feels" right; or is "easier" to read; which "bible" we are going to accept as "our" bible?

Having spent thousands of hours studying this issue (beginning in 1968 up to the present) I can assure you of one thing, and that is, if you read church history (almost any church history) and the biographies of those past saints, you will see God's approval of, and His blessing the many missionaries that hazarded their lives for the word of God (when all they had was the HOLY BIBLE (later known as the "Authorized Version" and then still later - the "King James Bible").

The King James Bible "critics" have never been able to satisfactorily answer the question of WHY (if the King James Bible has so many supposed "errors" in it) did God so abundantly bless the "use" of it - like He has no other "bible" since?

Your on the "right track" - keep studying and searching. God will assuredly bless your efforts.