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Old 09-03-2008, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by stephanos View Post
Anyone have any book recommendations from this brother? I've decided I should read some of his works and if anyone thinks I should begin with such an such a book please let me know.

Much Love in Christ,

Aloha Stephanos,

This may surprise you (and others) but I do not recommend that you get any of brother Ruckman's materials at this time. If you have read my Posts you know that I have rigorously defended brother Ruckman when he has been maligned or falsely accused, but I do not recommend him to all Christians.

I don't normally do this but since you have asked, I will give you a few recommendations on who you should read:

The "Which Bible?" Issue - "Forever Settled" by Jack Moorman (probably the best "first book" on the subject). or "Bible Version Manual" by Donald T. Clarke (another excellent "first book" - if you can find it) Any Books by Edward Hills, David Otis Fuller, W. P. Grady, Thomas D. Holland, Floyd Nolan Jones, Douglas D. Stauffer, etc. (There's lots more)

Dispensationalism - "Dispensationalism" by David E. Walker (an excellent "primer" on how to "rightly divide" the word of God)

Cults & Psychiatry/Psychology - Books and essays by Dave Hunt & T.A. McMahon {The Berean Call} (One of the best sources on the Apostasy in the churches today). A word of caution - brother Hunt & McMahon are not as strong on the King James Bible as some of us are.

Psychology/Psychology - Books by Martin & Diedre Bobgan (absolutely the best source for information on the infiltration of the perverse influence of psychiatry and psychology in the churches)

Emerging Church Movement {ECM} - "Faith Undone" by Roger Oakland (Excellent source on the "seeker church" or "Emerging Church Movement" {ECM} that is sweeping across America - Rick Warren, etc.)

Education & Schooling - Any Book by Samuel Blumenfeld

Evolution & Creation - "The Evolution Cruncher" by Vance Ferrel (992 pages refuting evolution on every point) Any Books byHenry M. Morris or Harry Rimmer

Brother Ruckman has some excellent books and commentaries, but his "style" often puts people off, so I would say, at this point, check out some of these authors - depending on your interest.

Rather than rely on someone for discernment and understanding the Bible - I would recommend you study, pray, meditate, and read the Bible without outside "helps".