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Old 09-03-2008, 09:33 AM
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Forrest Forrest is offline
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Originally Posted by rbratt View Post
So at this point I enjoy reading the Bible. But oftentimes, I need a Star Trek translator when I read the KJV. I find myself reading something 4 or 5 times and going "huh?" while scratching hair off the top of my head. And my wife and in-laws call me a heathen for reading a parallel Bible that is KJV/NIV. *shrug*
I've read from the KJB for over 25 years and still say "huh?" on certain passages. When that occurs, I just move on and rest in knowing that when God is ready to open my eyes of spiritual understanding regarding a specific verse, He will.

I have also discovered through the years as I've hid more of God's Word in my heart, He clarifies His Word by comparing Scripture with Scripture.

One night I was cuddling my youngest daughter before bedtime. I was going over a particular Scripture in my mind and unexpectedly spoke out loud to the Lord in prayer.

Sarah asked, “Daddy, who are you talking to?”
“I’m speaking with Jesus, sweetheart.”

Curiously she asked, “How do you hear His voice?” I paused for a moment to think about her profound question. After a moment of silence, Sarah quirked, “Hmmmm, gotcha thinking there didn’t I?”

After a good laugh, I returned to a more serious mood and prayed for the words to answer her probing question. I asked Sarah if she had ever started to do something that her mother or I had told her not to do. She thought for a second and then responded, “Yes, sir.” I then asked her if the specific verse of Scripture had ever come to her mind, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). She quickly answered, “Yes, sir.” I explained that when she recalls Scripture like that, the Lord is speaking directly to her heart. “Ohhhhh,” she said with excitement, “then the Lord speaks to me all the time!”

Brandon's site, av1611, is an outstanding resource with Historical fact and comparative analysis explaining why the KJB is the preserved, inspired, Word of God.

For me, through the years, the KJB is the only one which bears witness with my spirit--my inner man. That is not some lofty, prideful, or "I'm more spiritual than you are" statement. I'm simply sharing from my heart. I tried other "simpler" versions as a younger Christian but they lacked the power and persuasion of the KJB. Other versions came across as weak and shallow. Please know that my tone is gentle and humble, brother. I'm praying the Lord will settle this important issue in your life too.

A funny story. Several years ago I was traveling with a Christian brother from Dallas. We were discussing some Scripture and I kept quoting relatively familiar verses from the KJB. Confused, he would ask, "Where is that verse found in the Bible?" He used the NIV.