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Old 08-22-2008, 08:47 AM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Location: Wenatchee WA
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Generally in the historical context Hebrews (if written by Paul) was to unsaved and saved jews under the Kingdom Gospel. the same with Peters writtings they are to the scattered Jews both beleivers and unbelievers but in the tribulation. because the disciples of Peters ministry were scarttered by persecution and Peter had to Leave Jerusalem because as far as the Romans were concerned he was an excaped prisoner. and all were saved under the Gospel of the Kingdom read teh transitional book of Act 1-8. the Kingdom gospel goes down hill from here and the Gospel of Grace become clearly evident in the rest of the Book of Acts.

your confusing (another case of the i'm right your wrong mentality) the gospel of Grace taught by Paul with that one taught by the Apostles which was the Gospel of the Kingdom. this is the root of your misunderstanding and not seeing the clear light of the KJV in the books fromHebrew to Revelation 14

I am not presuming anything Gods word is quite clear if you would spend more time reading it rather than the works of others (Again, the i'm right, your wrong mentality. You don't know me. The KJB is the only authority on matters of faith and practice, and that's how I've always stood). the 144,00 and the 2 witnesses no where preach the Gospel of Grace that is where you are presuming. (No, I was wondering why you made it sound like these folks wrong the books)

The reason you don't see it (and the beat goes on...) is because you are closed minded (and on...) to the process of how to rightly divide. there are many ways to divide but only one can be the correct way (that would be your way I'm guessing...) . so there are guidelines to how we do this. if you want to you will learn them. (*sigh*)

you are interpreting the way I suggest to rightly divide as prideful (nope, only the way you throw it in my face every time I say something). you are wrong (I guess so...). I learned this process because it is the only logical and proper way (oh now I see...) to divide the word of God that can be found. I found it to be the correct way and many will agree that it is. you don't have to agree but then you will be limited and confused (I really am...) as to what the scriputre teach.

so quit being so wicked (*sigh*) as to constantly attacking me (Chette, when will you realize that it is you that nearly always attacks me for something I say. I've been the one having to do the double take and defend myself against your attacks on the way I read the Holy Bible) for being prideful and buffed up. that is only your interperetation from your egotisitical point of veiw as you read my text. You show no grace at all my friend. (You've given me no room to) Get over yourself and learn for once. Only wicked people filled with bitterness attack people that way you do me. (perhaps if you quit calling me wrong at every turn, and presuming to know the ONLY way to rightly divide I would be more inclined to listen to you, instead of defending myself the way I've had to)

Also quit speaking for me I never said I am not willing to learn. the point is I already thought the way you do in the past and by the Holy Ghost I learned certain things. then instead of reinventing the wheel I discovered others had already laid the ground works to what I was learning by the Holy Ghost. Maturity is really lacking in your post towards me. (i'm sorry you feel this way Chette. I've tried reallyl hard to help you to see that I'm tired of the tone of your comments, and the constant "I'm right your wrong, LEARN THE ONLY WAY NOW" responses of yours but I'm finding it quite difficult)

I hope I've made my points clear.

Peace and Love,

EDIT: I'm done. I'm not responding to these kind of posts anymore. I just don't have the stamina to do so, and I don't see how this is good for anyone.