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Old 08-20-2008, 10:44 PM
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Default My Testimony

Originally Posted by pbiwolski View Post

Are you saved, right now? Can you give us a day/time when you were born spiritually, or is your salvation an ongoing thing?

I am not implying that you are not saved, but I am interested in your replies.
Greetings PB,

The answer to your 1st question is yes, I am saved right now. But what am I saved from? Right now I am saved from my past sins. I am being saved, through the Spirit, from the nature that causes me to sin. And if I endure to the end(Matt. 24:13;Rev. 2:26), I will be eternally saved and will rule and reign with Christ. I know I'm fixing to get jumped on for this statement but what I am saying is in the scripture.

The answer to your second question is May 1st, 1993. On that day, I lifted my hands toward Heaven and called on the name of Jesus. Right then and there, the Lord filled me with the Holy Ghost and I have never been the same since. Before that time, I was a drug addict and alcoholic. Since that time, I have never even wanted a drink or anything else for that matter. The Lord has changed my life. He has turned me completely around 180 degrees. Is God my Father. You better believe it. I have been born of the seed of Jesus Christ and no one can take that away from me. You guys might not want me for a brother, but guess what? I am.
