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Old 08-14-2008, 05:19 AM
M Paul
Posts: n/a

Well, I'd like to ask you to reconsider what I Cor. 2:14 is about. Remember chapter divisions were added after the invention of printing. Therefore, the first verses of chapter three continue the thought of the ending of chapter two.

Then the question arises from the first verses of chapter three -- What is it that Paul could not speak to the Corinthians about, because they were not spiritual enough, because they were still of the flesh. He knew they were heavy into worldly wisdom, and that they quickly got into strife as a result. The first verses of chapter three are actually a continuation of his defense at 2:15, that because he is spiritual he does not have to answer to them.

I don't think it's salvation that he could not talk them about because they were too much "natural men." It can be assumed the Corinthians are already saved when the epistles are written. In the first chapter he indicates gifts will be one theme of the epistle, and he covers it in detail by chapter 12, but only with taking great care to advise them to handle gifts maturely.

In other words, gifts are a problem for new believers, who really don't yet understand how to be spiritual, because they are still focused on worldly ways. And they cannot be taught about gifts until they learn more about how to be spiritual, more about how to compare spiritual things with spiritual. That thought on comparing the spiritual to the spiritual from 2:13 emphasizes how once we receive gifts we have to understand them as something we experience through our relationship with the Holy Spirit, not as something we learn about in a book.

So at any rate -- I look at things differently than you, but to each his own.

M Paul