Thread: The Word of God
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Old 07-01-2008, 06:00 AM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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I looked at it from your veiw for many years and the only reasonable way is to rightly divide the scripture. So stop accusing me of being closed minded. that is your opinion it is wrong but your opinion never the less.but you tell me what your feel is the Context of Mattew 5:42? Your mind seem more made up and unswayable than mine.

I have divided away nothing from the scriptures nor added to it. I didn't tell any one not to obey any commandment of Christ or God. I said not all scripture is applicable to them today. there is a big difference between those things. Telling them certain scriptures are not apllicable today is not telling people to not keep the comandments of Christ or God. Those are false accusations of yours towards me and other dispensationalist on this site. Hyper dispensationalist do what you say. but we are not them so don't confuse us with them. There is a right way and a wrong way to divide scripture. But either way it must be done.

I took nothing out of context using Matthew 5:42 in the object lesson I challenged you with. but you tell me what your feel is the Context of Mattew 5:42? for me it is Jesus teaching Israel to prepare them for the Earhtly Kingdom that He has come to set up. Did he set up the Earthly Kingdom? Not yet.

Ok so I want to give your the benefit of the doubt. You've said how important it is in keeping context in finding a practicle application of srcripture, the one we are discussing is Matt 5:42. What is your practicle application of this scripture in context for today?

Last edited by chette777; 07-01-2008 at 06:26 AM.