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Old 02-18-2008, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Mikie View Post
From Againstheries: Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Okay. What is the meaning of "vision" in this passage, and how did you come to that conclusion?

From the context of the passage and using an English dictionary, "vision" would seem to indicate purpose and/or direction.

I think you asked that question to try and say we can't know what that means unless we know the original Hebrew word. I find myself a little resentful about that kind of thinking. After 400 years and no English Bible is correctly translated? Why have an English Bible at all? Personally, I believe God has more power and authority than that. The KJB's 400 year legacy speaks for itself.

This post was in response to:
“Originally Posted by
If I can't understand what the Bible says in English, I'm sure not going to understand it in another language.”

My point was to demonstrate the fallacy of that statement. The Lexicon is a helpful tool. Looking this verse up in Hebrew or even looking it up in the Strong’s Concordance may have helped Jack Hyles to understand the meaning of this passage. After all the meaning of the Bible is God’s Word. We must be careful to correctly understand what the Bible means and not make it mean something that it does not.

If someone does not have the ability to read Hebrew or cannot do a word study, they may be able to compare other translations for clues to what the word may actually mean. For example, the NKJV is much clearer in this passage. The translators have interpreted the Hebrew word “chazon” as revelation. You may find that the NKJV at the very least would be a helpful commentary. After all a commentary is mostly a scholars interpretation of a passage and is guided by the reading in the original language.

Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law. (Proverbs 29:18 NKJV)