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Old 06-16-2008, 01:43 PM
Posts: n/a

Well, that's true. However, not all words that I do not know are listed in the booklet. In other words, there are some KJV words that are not in the booklet, and that I do not know.

If no one knows how to get a full KJV dictionary, then I will have to manually copy over 5000 words with definitions. I don't mind coping all of the words. However, If someone does have the full KJV dictionary in one file, then I would very appreciate if I could have a copy of it. What I am saying, is that if someone has the full KJV dictionary, then I would save about one month of time.

One of the main reasons that I want the full dictionary, is that I have friends who are foreigners. My friends want the KJV dictionary, so that they could know the English Biblical language.

The reason that my friends want to learn the English Biblical language, is so that they could translate correctly. For example, one time came a foreign missionary to the church, and his sermon was translated to the English language. One of the phrases that the missionary used was "Lamb of God." Because my friends did not know the English biblical language, they translated from foreign language the phrase "Lamb of God" to English language "Ram of God." Everybody laughed at them. You know, lambs are usually gentle, humble and peaceful. Rams are usually opposite of lamb.

Most people at my city use the KJV and do not like using any of the new, corrupted versions of the Bible.

Anyways, should I start working on the one month project, or does anyone have the full KJV dictionary, that I could purchase or download?