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Old 06-10-2008, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Debau View Post
If he is not experiencing chastisement, he should be worried.
Shortly after this man officially terminated his service in the ministries he was involved in, he found himself in the hospital with a broken leg/arm from a car accident. It immediately seemed obvious that the Lord was trying to get his attention, but I've yet to see any repentance on his part.

In years past he seemed to be a solid Bible believer that asked tough questions that indicated serious personal Bible study. Today, I fear he has "left his first love" and is headed down a rough road.

Furthermore, he is not a novice when it comes to the Bible. He understands right division and the necessity for correct doctrinal application. His problem is that I John 1:9 is the only NT verse that plainly states confession of sin. He asks,
"If this is really for us today, then why doesn't the Apostle Paul come right out and say so?"

It's a little trickier than saying he's not rightly dividing, for he's not (that I know) a hyper, etc. When he first came with the question, the hyper flag went up in my head, but in talking with him, he's never pushed to that end. However, I feel he's full of sin, and God is not allowing his eyes of understanding to be enlightened.