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Old 05-21-2008, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Thanks brother,
I would have done that sooner, except I have given away most of my books on this subject.
It's just simply "amazing" what a quote within "context" can do to clear up the lies and falsehoods spread by some of the "brethren" who are seemingly standing strong for the unsearchable scriptures, i.e. the "Textus Receptus" or maybe the "Traditional Text", or could it possibly be - the "Majority Text"! Let's see - which one will it be today? Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Mo?
Your welcome Bro.George, I get a bit peeved when folks make silly comments about Dr.Ruckman and do not give the context. I guess the modus operandi is make it as shocking as possible and scare the reader off from further investigation...
Every Blessing bro.

Originally Posted by pbiwolski View Post
“If all you have is the ‘original Greek,’ you lose light” Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
After years of reading, studying, preaching and teaching the A.V., Dr. Ruckman starting "getting things" out of the English text that were unapparent in the Greek.
In other words, the careful study of the words of the King James Bible resulted in making connections and cross references (scripture with scripture) that were unavailable in the original writings using the Greek words, thus giving more "light" to the scriptures. This was deemed "advanced revelation," for these connections do not exist within the original text.
The very thought (without actually looking into it) of the English being superior to the beloved Greek was all that was necessary for most to label this position as "heresy."
In addition to word study yielding advanced light, the chapter/verse layout of the Bible gives teaching impossible to be found in the original layout in Hebrew/Greek. Ever do a study on the number 13? The study starts in Gen. 1:13 (the first verse that does not contain the name of God) and goes clear through to Revelation. You may be surprised with what 13 is connected with, but not in the originals.
Absolutely correct brother... Your quote about the Greek and comparing scripture with scripture nails the No1 problem in the church today, namely the Priesthood of Scholarship having dominion over an individuals faith... Don't they just hate it to think a Bible Believer can dig stuff out for themselves without their assistance! Yikes.. maybe they will have to get a proper job...

Oh dear, you brought out number study... Yeah it is real interesting remember when I ran all the 3:16s that was an eye opener... heres a link to Bro.Hoggards book for those who may want to investigate further..

Every blessing...