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Old 05-20-2008, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
That is unclear, he may be implying a bit more, such as alternative grammar, updating some words. One problem is that he is vague, and when you open a door, it can be a trap-door.
Yes, I agree, I wish he would of explained this comment better.
Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
That is the sense I got, that some alternative translations may be acceptable, not wrong. However why raise the issue at all ? If you fully accept the King James Bible the alternative translation will at best be "almost ok" and "not wrong". Why open the door to translating differently on an overall basis ? If you want to say that on a particular verse an alternative in a version is understandable and reasonable, do it when that verse comes up. And even those words can be misunderstood, what you are really saying is that the alternative is not technically, scholastically 'wrong', 'error'.

This is true.
I'm not sure why he raised the issue. I think he is trying to explain to those that choose instead the MV why there is so much disagreement within the KJVO camp. It will be easy for him to say something not quite right depending on which KJVO camp a person belongs. I read a lot of his articles, so putting it all together I understand what he means and I know he is truly defending the KJB. Hopefully he will clarify further what he meant by that statement.
Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
btw, his usage of "accurate and lovely" discomfits me. Accurate yes, but more .. precise, majestic and much more, including pure and perfect. Lovely without much more sounds a bit elitist and quaint, almost condescending as it would be used by an opponent, and even 'accurate' is only moderately strong.

Just telling you how I see it. I don't comment on these issues much, I really like David Cloud and appreciate his labors, so this should be in that context.

I can't say that I like his usage of "accurate and lovely" either. But he did go on to say that the KJB was free of error. which is like saying pure and perfect, precise. Superior is like saying majestic.