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Old 05-19-2008, 03:39 PM
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For the sake of people browsing the forum who may be inclined to accept FSSL's straw man argument as a reason to reject holding to a single standard (as in the KJV), I offer this:
Isaiah 34:16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.
FSSL has not once offered any of us an alternative to the KJV as "the book of the Lord." To seek out the book of the Lord is not merely a prerogative of God's people, it is commanded of them.

FSSL's question -- what verse proves that we can only use the KJV -- proceeds from a false presumption that anyone claims such a verse exists, or that if we can not find the KJV referred to in Scripture by name, we can not accept it as final.

The real issue is: where is the book of the Lord? FSSL does not know -- has has admitted to having multiple sources of authority, all of which are contradictory. Accepting multiple conflicting authorities is not an option for a Christian desiring to be in submission to God's word.

The whole point of is to show why the KJV can be held to as "the book of the Lord" and to show why other translations are wholly unworthy of the title.

So, the question is not "can you prove the KJV is God's word without error," but "if not the KJV, then where do I find the book of the Lord, so that I may read it?"