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Old 05-17-2008, 11:28 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Originally Posted by JaeByrd View Post
I believe you said in another post that you were married? Newly, I would imagine since I see now from your other post you are both in college at the moment.

1. What does your husband say about it?
2. Would the writing job put you in a better or worse position?
3. How would the change in jobs effect the paying for/debt for both of you in regards to your on going college educations?
4. Are any of these outside roles interfering with you fulfilling your role as wife?
5. What does your husband want you to do?
THIS is an excellent reply.

It really saddens me whenever I see or hear of some young wife telling a story about how she went to her daddy for advice and doesn't even mention a word about what her husband wishes or says. You, KJVgal, have a husband who IS your head. I'm glad that he supports you in "your" recent decision, but he should be the first and last person you speak with on matters such as this. I'm sure your dad is a good man and all, but you, my sister, were made to be a help meet for your husband. If you can start looking at him the way Sarah looked at Abraham, then I promise you, all will be well. Seek ye the old ways (Jeremiah 6:16 and you will find rest for your soul.

One final note, I do think it is good that you do not remain under the influence of those new age charismatic types. They're very good at reasoning around the scriptures and I've seen many good women fall victim to their false doctrine.

Much Love in Christ,