Thread: Is God Fair?
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Old 05-02-2008, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by cpmac View Post
Ezek. 18:
v20 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son:"

We are told that there will be a future seven year Great Tribulation, wherein Israel shall be punished for the sin of crucifying Christ. But, even if it happens today, that is many generations removed from the actual generation that rejected and crucified Christ. Isn't that contrary to Ezekiel 18:20?

First, "the soul that sins it shall die" etc. refers to the soul, to hell. God does not condemn anyone to hell for their parents sins. Calvinism and Catholicism are lies, that is, there is no such thing as anyone being condemned to hell for Adam's sin. Adam's sin bring physical death on us as punishment for his sin, yes, but "the soul that sins it shall die," that is, only our personal sins can send us to hell. God does indeed inflict physical punishments in this life on those who did not sin for their parents sins, as he says he will visit the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the 3rd and 4th generation (Exo 34:7) which refers merely to something earthly, but he will not (he will never!) condemn anyone to hell for another person's sins, not for their immediate parents and not for Adam's but only for their own. This means, in other words, no babies go to hell.

Now, the 7 year peace treaty between the antichrist and the Palestinians comes from a twisted backwards interpretation of Daniel 9:27. Read Daniel 9:27 in the KJV. It is about Jesus confirming the New Covenant and how that Jesus by his death on the cross eradicated the animal sacrifices but because the Jews kept offering those abominations he made it, that is, the temple mount desolate and the temple mount will remain desolate until the consumation, that is, the end of time. But many heretics reverse this and make the verse about the antichrist and say that the antichrist will confirm a covenant or treaty between the jews and palestinaians for 7 years and make the animal sacrifices to cease -- hello!!!!!!! The animal sacrifices ceased back in 70 AD when the temple was destroyed! How is the antichrist going to make something cease that Jesus already made to cease? You see, these evil men want us confused as to who is for animal sacrifices, Christ or antichrist. The only way that antichrist could stop the animal sacrifices is if they started up again, but Daniel 9:27 is all about the temple mount being desolate forever, meaning no legitimate animal sacrifices can ever be offered. Well, of course no legitimate animal sacirfices could ever be offered now, since Jesus is the final sacrifice for sins, and by his once for all sacrifice he has rendered all animal sacrifices null and void! So, the mellinialists want us to think that Christ will come again to undo his work on the cross by reinstating the animal sacirfices. Why? Because they are the harbingers of antichrist. Antichrist will try and reinstitute the holocausts, that is, burnt offerings, and perhaps unwitting Jews and foolish protestants, and Catholics too, will offer their slain beasts to the antichrist, being deiceved and thinking that he is Jesus and that it is the mellinium! But it will not be Jesus but the antichrist and the temple will not be legitimate but another in a long line of abominations of desolations. Daniel 9:27 speaks of desolations plural being poured on the temple mount. First there was the temple to Jupiter that the Romans built after destroying the Jewish temple. Then the Muslims tore that down and built the Dome of the Rock, leaving one wall (the wailing wall) of the temple to Jupiter. As Jesus said, no stone of the Jewish temple is left on top of another. The wailing wall is the ruins of a pagan temple! Anyway, the antichrist might built a temple that is just another desolation that keeps the temple mount desolate of a true temple, and there he might receive animal sacrifices because people will be decieved into thinking it is the mellinium and that he is Christ. But be ye not deived, for Daniel 9:27 is about Christ not antichrist! And, we know that Jesus would never reinstate the animal sacrifices that his death abolished and because of the abominable continuance of which after his death, he destroyed the temple via his divine providence, even as Stephen teaches in Acts chapters 6 and 7.