Thread: UFOs...
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Old 04-21-2008, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
You weren't around in 1968 or 1978 or 1988 fighting this battle when Edward Hills, J. J. Ray, David Otis Fuller, and Peter Ruckman were practically the only ones around that were contending for the faith in "The Book", and practically all of the so-called Christian schools (and Christian "scholars" - scribes) were ignoring Hills, Ray, and Fuller - but they couldn't "ignore" Ruckman! He wouldn't let them!
If you are ignorant of this time, you shouldn't be so hasty to condemn a man, whom I know - because I witnessed it "first hand"; that God used (despite his many "faults) mightily in the defense of His Holy Word. You weren't there, you didn't observe or experience what happened - I did. How quickly God's people forget, or worse yet - never bother to inquire.
Thanks for the info, George! This almost led me to tears.Praise God for such a man, despite of the critics, remained true to his calling. Amen!