Thread: Dr. Ruckman
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Old 04-12-2008, 07:27 PM
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Brother Tim Brother Tim is offline
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George, first I intended no "cheap shot" with my comments about a marked Bible. It was intended to draw attention to the extent to which this "dividing" can be carried by someone who is extreme with their dispensational views.

I have a different understanding of the phrase "rightly dividing" than you do. I do not see the word "dividing" to mean "separating". Instead, I interpret it to mean "breaking into parts for clearer understanding". I view the phrase as describing the work required to understand to deeper meanings behind each passage of Scripture. In other words, taking small bites and carefully digesting them through Biblical meditation (Psalm 1) and prayer. This definition does not go against the Isaiah 28 verses that you used. I am not attempting to harmonize, if by that you mean blending all parts into one message.