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Old 04-04-2008, 09:00 PM
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George George is offline
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
George, my earliest post on this thread, (p.1, #2) pointed out a place where, in my opinion, Dr. Ruckman stepped way out of line. Am I wrong? He is not criticizing some Bible-doubter, he is not ridiculing some self-righteous scholar. He was mocking innocent people to get a laugh. He did not do it off the cuff, letting his mouth speak before he thought (we have all done that), but he printed it in a pamphlet that would be ultimately read by countless Christians all around the world, including Poland. Unless he has publicly apologized, and agrees to remove that and any other offending jokes, then I consider it justified to point this out.

Do those jokes rise to out-of-line status for you? I feel that you will be sincere and not evasive as Atlas was.
I cannot condone or excuse these kind of jokes - I have heard brother Ruckman do this before - that is why I don't publicly recommend him to anyone - especially a "new born babe" in Christ.

A person has to be a "mature" Christian in order to "handle" brother Ruckman, and over the forty years I have known him I probably haven't recommended him to more than 6 Christian men - no women.

I'm sure that for whatever he does wrong, God will judge him - I don't condemn him, but I acknowledge it has hurt his ministry.

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.