Thread: Dr. Ruckman
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:10 AM
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pbiwolski pbiwolski is offline
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Posts: 223

Last summer I found myself in an uncomfortable and unprofitable situation.

I was going door to door soulwinning in our community with the "new guy" when he turned out to be Jerry (well, that wasn't his name, but it was his stripe). His theory of Abraham and salvation,etc. was being presented to a lost soul. He preached that Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness...then suggested that anyone (Buddist, Muslim, anybody) who will wholly believe in God for salvation (Abraham his example) will be saved. His words were "even if they have never heard the name of Jesus."

Aaaaahhh!!! What could I do? I wanted to kick him, smack his mouth with my Bible, anything to shut him up. I tried to discreetly interject and shift the approach while "saving face" to the sinner, but the "new guy" was too focused. I continued praying...and eventually the door was shut. The next few minutes brought sharp contention and we had to drop it for the spirit was getting bad.

This nightmare was the result of the teaching being refuted in this thread. It's a shame, but it being taught all over the place.
MY NOTE: The OT saints were looking for the bloody Redeemer in Isaiah 63, not the bloody Redeemer in Isaiah 53. AMEN!